Delicious Baked Eggs Recipe: A traditional recipe with an Andalusian touch. Are you daring enough to try it?

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If you live in Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, or any other European country and want to eat like you did when you were in Spain, here's an easy and tasty recipe you can make thanks to Your Spanish Corner.


If you're a lover of home cooking and are looking for a recipe that is simple but full of flavor, you've come to the right place! Today, we present the recipe for Baked Eggs, a delight that will conquer your palate. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to prepare this exquisite and comforting dish.

Quality Ingredients

Before diving into the preparation of this dish, it is essential to gather the necessary ingredients. Make sure to have on hand:

Homemade-Style Tomato Sauce: We will use this quality tomato sauce to create a flavorful base for our eggs.

Grana Padano Cheese: The cheese in this recipe is essential, and Grana Padano cheese adds a unique flavor.

Free-Range Eggs: Opt for free-range farm eggs to ensure freshness and quality in your dish.

Iberian Sobrasada: This star ingredient will give our preparation an unparalleled taste.


With these carefully selected ingredients, we are ready to begin.


Step-by-Step Process:

Create the Tomato Sauce Base: First, let's prepare the base of our dish. In an oven-safe dish, pour a generous amount of homemade tomato sauce. This will be the bed on which our eggs will rest.

Place the Eggs: Now, the exciting moment. Carefully place the free-range eggs over the tomato sauce. You'll notice how the mix of flavors and colors begins to take shape. The intensity of the yellow eggs against the red tomato is simply irresistible.

Add the Iberian Sobrasada: To add an extra touch of flavor and texture, sprinkle some pinches of Iberian sobrasada over the eggs and tomato. This rich and juicy meat will elevate our dish to another level.

The Final Touch: Grana Padano Cheese: We can't forget the Grana Padano cheese. Sprinkle generous shavings of this cheese over the preparation. Grana Padano cheese is known for its intense flavor and its ability to melt deliciously in the oven.

Perfect Cooking: Now that our dish is complete, we place it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 4 minutes. This time is sufficient for the eggs to cook perfectly, the cheese to melt, and all the flavors to blend into a delicious harmony.


Time to Enjoy

Once the minutes pass and your kitchen is filled with tempting aromas, it's time to take your creation out of the oven. The result will be a dish of Baked Eggs with a colorful presentation and a blend of flavors that will make your mouth water.


Serve the Baked Eggs hot and accompany them with a slice of crispy bread to fully enjoy the flavors and textures. This dish is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, so feel free to prepare it at any time of the day!

Keywords to Optimize Your Search

If you want to find this recipe easily online, here are some keywords you can use:

  • Baked Eggs

  • Baked Eggs Recipe

  • Home Cooking

  • Tomato Sauce

  • Grana Padano Cheese

  • Iberian Sobrasada

  • Comforting Dish


Make sure to use these keywords in your searches to get the best results and discover more delicious recipes like this.




In summary, Baked Eggs are an exceptional culinary choice for any occasion. This simple but delicious recipe will allow you to enjoy a dish full of flavor and texture. Don't hesitate to share this recipe with friends and family so they can also enjoy this gem of home cooking.

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