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Ham Flavoured Wavy Crisps SPAR 150g.
(€11.27 Kg)
Tax included
Weight / Volume0.30 kg
Delicious wavy ham-flavoured chips, we Spaniards love them and Your Spanish Corner brings this snack to you wherever you are.
ACHO patatas fritas are fried with Spanish potatoes in a pan over low heat with top quality olive oil and seasoned with Mediterranean salt, to guarantee a unique flavor and texture.
These Cheetos Sticks are original in their shape and different in their ketchup and cheese flavour. Buy these snacks at Your Spanish Corner and enjoy them as an appetizer with friends. They are delicious.
Crispy, tasty and with that unmistakable meat flavour that takes us back to childhood. Discover the authentic Lay's Boca Bits and treat yourself to an irresistible treat!