Garlic Shrimp Croquettes! An amazing recipe to surprise your friends

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Garlic Shrimp Croquettes Recipe: A Delicious journey into one of Spain's most traditional flavors and a delight for your taste buds

Croquetas de gambas al ajillo

If there is a traditional dish that never goes out of style in Spanish gastronomy, it's croquettes. Crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside, and with endless fillings that conquer any palate. Today, we present one of the most exquisite and original recipes: garlic shrimp croquettes. This little seafood delicacy combines the best of the sea with the spicy and fragrant touch of garlic in one of the most traditional dishes of Spanish cuisine.

In Spain, croquettes have gone from being a way to use up leftovers to becoming a star tapa in bars and restaurants. Who hasn’t shared a plate of croquettes with friends, laughing over drinks, or at grandma’s house? They are so versatile that they’ve conquered every corner of the country. The recipe we propose today fuses tradition and modernity in every bite."

Where to Enjoy Great Croquettes?

Nowadays, it's hard to walk into a restaurant or tapas bar in Spain without seeing croquettes on the menu. Madrid, Barcelona, Seville... in every city, and increasingly, shops are popping up that serve only this traditional Spanish dish. However, if you're looking for something more specific, coastal bars and restaurants in Galicia, Asturias, or Andalusia, where seafood is of top quality, often offer gourmet versions of croquettes, like the garlic shrimp ones we propose in this recipe.

The best accompaniment to enjoy them? Without a doubt, good conversation. This is a dish that tastes better when shared, whether it's on a sunny terrace with friends, at a family meal, or even as an appetizer at a special celebration. There's no better way to start an evening than with some hot croquettes paired with a good wine or an ice-cold beer."

Some Stories About Croquettes

Croquettes also have their fun side. Did you know that in Spain, the ‘International Croquette Day’ is celebrated every January 16th? It's the perfect excuse to go out for tapas or even try to get an invite to your grandma’s house, where she makes the best croquettes in the world. Some say there are as many croquette recipes as there are families, and they’re not wrong.

In fact, croquettes have a sort of unspoken competition in many households. Each family has its own version, its best-kept secret, and garlic shrimp croquettes are no exception. Some include a splash of brandy to intensify the seafood flavor, others add paprika to enhance the garlic, and in some cases, goat milk is used to make them creamier... And this is where each cook adds their personal touch and creates their own version

Signature Croquettes

Croquetas de autor

Signature croquettes are a gourmet twist on the traditional recipe. These creations are often crafted by chefs who add their unique flair, incorporating high-quality ingredients and innovative techniques. Unlike classic croquettes, which are more common and straightforward, signature croquettes might feature unconventional fillings or flavor combinations, such as truffle, foie gras, or exotic spices. They are typically served in upscale restaurants or specialty eateries where the focus is on elevating traditional dishes to new heights.

Croquettes in Spain

Without a doubt, croquettes are an essential part of Spanish gastronomic culture. From the most classic ham croquettes to innovations like the garlic shrimp ones we propose today, there is no corner of Spain where you cannot enjoy this traditional bite. Croquettes are a symbol of hospitality, culinary ingenuity, and, above all, those moments of shared joy around the table."

Ingredients needed for the recipe we propose:

- Shrimp with shells and heads to extract all the flavor

- Garlic

- Parsley

- A bit of chili (if you like it spicy, it's optional)

- A bit of brandy

- Extra virgin olive oil (AOVE)

- Whole milk, which can be goat milk if you want a creamier texture

- Butter

- Good quality tomato sauce

- Bread crumbs

- Salt

The steps are in the video we’ve provided below. It’s very easy, and if you make them, you’re sure to impress at home or with your friends. Dare to try it? Send us your photos at!!!

Enjoy your meal!"

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