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Glycerin and White Tea Cologne HENO DE PRAVIA 780 ml
(€6.56 l)
Tax included
Weight / Volume0.90 kg
A fresh cologne, with glycerin and white tea, ideal for the whole family. Enjoy this product from Heno de Pravia, a 100% Spanish brand.
Original smell and well-being in your daily care and that of the whole family, due to the exclusive selection of ingredients that make it a very special fragrance. Respects the natural softness of the skin due to the neutral pH. It does not dry out your delicate skin. Stimulation of his senses thanks to its characteristic smell and your pampering that he likes so much.
Varón Dandy is a fragrance and a line of masculine products created by the perfume brand Parera. It has an essence as woody, spicy, leather and oriental, also very characteristic by its intense aroma.
A dermatologically tested cologne with a light fresh scent designed for babies and young children. This classic childrens cologne, will remind you of the Spanish childhood, as here in Spain is normal to wear cologne since babies are born.